Jesus never specifically mentions the Old Testament books of the KAWS, since there were none when He lived. However, that doesn’t mean He didn’t adhere to them in principle or command us to follow their precepts.
When Jesus walked the earth, He often referred to scriptures and quoted extensively from both God’s Law (the first five books of the Bible) and other writings accepted by His contemporaries as scripture. As such, Jesus held all Scripture as authoritative, instructing believers: “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms” (Luke 24:44).
We may understand Jesus’ views on KAWS by looking at what He said about certain religious practices tied to them. For example, Jesus saw tithing as still necessary according to His Sermon on the Mount: “Do not neglect to do what your ancestors have commanded you . . . with regard to tithing” (Matthew 23:3–4).
In addition, Jesus defended some of these lesser-known scriptural laws pertaining to matters like stoning those who commit adultery (John 8:1–11), paying workers promptly (Luke 10:7), slaughtering animals according to temple regulations (Mark 7:14–15), marrying legally within one’s faith tradition (accorded through Levirate law; Matthew 22:24–30), honoring elderly parents (Luke 18:20), and many more.
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Introduction to the topic
Before diving into what Jesus says about the Old Testament laws, it’s important to understand the context and significance of these laws. The Old Testament contains a vast number of laws, ranging from moral and ethical codes to regulations on diet, cleanliness, and more. These laws were given to the Israelites by God through Moses, and they were intended to guide the Israelites in their daily lives and worship practices. However, many of these laws may seem outdated or irrelevant to modern readers. This raises the question of whether these laws still hold any relevance or authority for Christians today. In exploring what Jesus says about the Old Testament laws, we can gain a deeper understanding of their significance and how they relate to our faith today.
Clarifying the term “Old Testament KAWS”
The term “Old Testament KAWS” can be confusing and misleading. It suggests that there is a specific version of the Old Testament that is endorsed or preferred by Jesus. However, this is not the case.
Firstly, it’s important to understand that the term “Old Testament” refers to the first section of the Christian Bible, which contains the Hebrew Scriptures. This section is also known as the “Hebrew Bible” or the “Tanakh”.
Secondly, the acronym “KAWS” refers to the four books of the Old Testament that are traditionally attributed to the prophets: Kings, Amos, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. These books are sometimes referred to as the “major prophets” because of their length and significance.
So, when we talk about the “Old Testament KAWS”, we are simply referring to these four books within the larger context of the Old Testament.
It’s important to note that Jesus did not specifically endorse or promote any particular version or section of the Old Testament. However, he did frequently quote from and reference the Hebrew Scriptures in his teachings. In fact, many of his teachings and actions were seen as fulfilling prophecies from the Old Testament.
Therefore, it’s important to read and study the entire Old Testament, including the KAWS books, in order to fully understand the context and significance of Jesus’ teachings.
What does Jesus say about the Old Testament?
Jesus had a high regard for the Old Testament scriptures and often referred to them in his teachings. He believed that the Old Testament was the word of God and that it contained prophecies about himself and his mission on earth. In Luke 24:44, Jesus said to his disciples, “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.”
Jesus also emphasized the importance of following the commandments and teachings found in the Old Testament. In Matthew 5:17-18, he said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”
Furthermore, Jesus used stories and examples from the Old Testament to illustrate his teachings. For example, he referenced the story of Jonah in Matthew 12:39-40 to explain his own resurrection. He also used the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 to teach about loving one’s neighbor.
Overall, Jesus held the Old Testament scriptures in high esteem and believed that they were essential for understanding God’s plan for salvation.
Understanding the role of the Old Testament in Christianity
The Old Testament plays a significant role in Christianity as it lays the foundation for the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus himself affirmed the importance of the Old Testament when he said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” (Matthew 5:17)
The Old Testament contains prophecies about the coming of the Messiah and provides a historical account of God’s relationship with his people. It also outlines the Ten Commandments and other moral laws that continue to guide Christian ethics and values.
However, Christians believe that the Old Testament alone is not sufficient for salvation. It is through faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross that believers are saved. The New Testament further expands on the teachings of Jesus and the early Christian church.
In summary, the Old Testament is an important part of Christian scripture, providing historical context, moral guidance, and prophetic insight into the coming of Jesus Christ. However, it is through faith in Jesus that Christians are saved, and the New Testament provides further teachings on Christian living and salvation.